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How to Make Your Business Website Mobile Responsive

Sep 28, 2020 | SnapSite Blog

If you’re wondering if it’s worth making your website mobile responsive, it really is.

These days, it’s hard to meet anyone who doesn’t own a cellphone. Smartphones have become so easily accessible and also a must-have that anyone can own. Because of this, mobile internet usage hits new records every year as it enables consumers to share and access information wherever they are.

Data from early 2019 shows that over 4 billion unique mobile phone users across the world. Additionally, mobile web usage is responsible for 48% webpage views. 

This means that providing a site with a great mobile experience can significantly benefit website owners’ business.

What is a Mobile Responsive Website?

A mobile responsive website has a different layout when accessed by desktop and a different one when accessed by mobile. It changes accordingly. The purpose is to offer the best experience to users no matter what device they’re using.

You can tell if a site is mobile responsive when you hop on to their platform by mobile and notice these three things:

  1. The text is easily readable without requiring you to zoom in
  2. There’s no horizontal scrolling needed
  3. There’s enough space for clicking on the relevant links

Why Does It Matter?

Making sure you have a mobile responsive website not only provides a better experience for your visitors, but it also improves your ranking on Google search. 

If you’re not getting as much traffic to your site as you thought you would, this could be one reason. It’s a significant element to consider. Websites not optimized for smaller mobile screens can be affected by a drop in their search engine rankings.

Also, having a website that brings in new clients while contributing a considerable part of your income means you must provide users with the best experience.

Reasons You Need a Responsive Design TODAY

  • Responsive design is great for SEO
  • Increase your traffic and audience by extending your reach to customers who mostly use smartphones or tablets
  • Offer a great experience to customers with an elegantly designed mobile responsive site
  • Tracking, reporting, and analytics can be all in one place
  • Be ahead of competitors
  • Save time and costs by not requiring content management

How To Make Your Site Mobile Responsive

Firstly, you can check this link to verify if your website is mobile-friendly. If it is, review your score on how easily a customer can use your site on a smartphone. 

If your site is NOT mobile responsive, or has a low score, here’s what you can do to fix that:

  • Choose a responsive template or theme for your website
  • Remove text-blocking ads and pop-ups
  • Optimize your website speed
  • Apply content-management so that mobile users can easily find what they’re looking for
  • Keep your design simple
  • Make button and font size bigger
  • Don’t use Flash (a software platform used for animations). Mobile users won’t be able to see them.
  • Run mobile testing regularly
  • If your site was created several years ago, it might take several technical skills or a website developer to fix it for you

The SnapSite Touch

If creating a mobile responsive website sounds like a nuisance to you, that’s where we come in.

At Snapsite, we can save you a vast amount of time and effort by implementing this process for you. All our websites are built with a mobile responsive design and our mobile and tablet visual editors help you keep it that way!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about our client services.