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Why Secure Web Hosting Is Essential For Your Business Website

Sep 21, 2020 | SnapSite Blog

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One of the most important aspects of a robust website is its security and safety. It’s crucial to understand why secure web hosting is in high demand over recent years.

Each year, as the amount of online payments keeps growing consistently, so do cybercrime incidents. It has become common these days to hear such incidents of websites becoming prey to hackers and cybercriminals.

Of course, there are practical steps you can take to have your website protected from online attacks, but sadly even the most protected website can become a victim of cyber-crime.

And that’s why it’s critical to keep your website safe with secure web hosting.

Hosting providers take every step necessary to provide their clients with the most secure website they can get. And that’s also what we do here at SnapSite.


What is Secure Web Hosting?

Secure hosting is the system of keeping a website and its traffic safe and protected from cyber-attacks. A secure hosting provider will offer security to its servers.

Additionally, they provide security to prevent online malicious attacks like DDoS. They also give protection in the form of SSL certificates that encrypt data flowing from the website to its users.


Why Does It Matter?

The absence of website security could damage any business if such cyber issues end up in revenue loss and identity theft.

Any website can become a victim of malicious attacks, so the best thing owners can do is keep it safe. Here are some reasons why it’s crucial to have a secure website:

  • Unsecured sites could be compromised
  • Your client’s data may be stolen, which can lead to a loss in revenue
  • High costs in repairing website coding
  • Customers can feel safe about making secure payments through your website

With all personal data going around the internet — phone numbers, credit cards, addresses, etc. — cybercriminals are looking for a chance to gather data for their own personal gain.


How to Know if A Website is Secure

When you look at the URL of a website, you can see if it starts with “http” or “https.” If it begins with “https,” that means that an SSL certificate secures the website. To get such a certificate, the website owner must pass through validation by proving its identity and legitimacy.

Now, if your site is not secured, here is how you can change that:

  1. Install SSL — your hosting provider can help you with that
  2. Use anti-malware software
  3. Create strong passwords
  4. Keep your site updated
  5. Beware of phishing emails and scams from hackers
  6. Accept your site’s comments manually
  7. Run backups as often as possible


Secure Web Hosting and SnapSite

With SnapSite, you don’t have to worry about web hosting again.

In addition to creating secure websites for you, we value the security of our clients. Our platform is entirely secure, speed optimized, and also utilizes the latest AES256 encryption on all credit card transactions with direct integration to the Stripe payment gateway. Alternatively, if you’d rather use the PayPal checkout option, your entire transaction will take place within the secure PayPal framework.

We’ll worry about the tough stuff so you can focus on growing your business.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about our clients’ services.
